And with it comes lots of delivieries. At one stage I was nearly lost in a sea of boxes. More fabric has arrived, some lovely repros, and just a few bolts of a range called Afternoon Tea which features chintz tea cups. We have some lovely Quilt Cards from Janet in stock and Cotton Ginny's Santa and Rudy pattern has also arrived. We have had lots of comments about him in the past if there is enough interest I think Lesley is going to teach Rudy next term. Here he is as part of our Christmas display in our old shop.
At the moment he is at the Cotton Tales quilt exhibition that I mentioned in an earlier post. I hope if you have free time you will come to the show. It is the work of 18 members and there is a great variety of different quilts and other crafts. Sorry got a bit side tracked. We also got our shop kit for a program we will be running featuring Kaye England’s new range of fabric. More on that once Lesley is back from holidays and has had a chance to drool over it. We now have topped up our Clover yo yo and bias makers, marking pens, Needle threaders, Straw needles etc. I haven't had much of a chance to work on my shop sample that I wrote about last time. Maybe I'll get a chance today, I'm pretty tired after helping to set up the quilts last night so am on a bit of a go slow this morning. Well that's all from me for now.... Sandra