Hello everyone,
It has been a long time since we have posted. Each day we have wanted to write but we just didn’t have the words. The recent devastation that ravaged our State still has us shell shocked. The first few days after Black Saturday were extremely difficult especially for Lesley whose friends lost their lives. Fortunately my friends are safe but they have lost their home. A fire right on our doorstep last Sunday still has us on edge. It was a little too close for comfort. Luckily it was under control within hours.
Our thoughts are with CFA, DSE and Melbourne Water fire fighters together with crews from the Tasmanian, South Australian New South Wales, New Zealand and United States Fire Services continue to strengthen control lines of the fires that are still currently burning. Also I just heard this morning that police officers from New South Wales have just arrived to give support and respite to our officers.
Quilters are fantastic and there are amazing efforts going on all over the country and indeed the world in collecting and making quilts as well as stash re building for our bushfire survivors. We are collecting quilts of behalf of Waverley Quilters and will be making QAYG blocks for Jan Mac(of Scquilters) todistribute. There are many groups out there collecting and working on quilts if you are local to us you may like to help Janetof Wildcraft Farm and Karenof Mrs Martin Quilt Shopwith their efforts. Janet is having a working bee tomorrow Friday 20th in the multi purpose room of the Mountain District Christian School in Monbulk between 12pm and 3.00pm and then 7.00pm and 10.00pm. She can be contacted via her blog. We will be at AQC next week and will be picking up a quilt to pass on to Karen. If you would like to drop off a donation we will be happy to pass them on.
Until next time.....Sandra and Lesley