Hello Everyone,
Just a quick blog to all our readers. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Day with family & friends, eat, drink, and be merry isn't that the old saying? Have a safe and enjoyable holiday, for me that's reading, going for drives if it's not hot and a little sewing, whatever you do I hope it's relaxing.
It's sad for me today, for the 1st time in 36 years I won't be seeing my son on Christmas Day. I know he's feeling the same way.
I have a gastro bug. What a time to get sick. Hopefully I'll be a bit better tomorrow, as I have my family get together here. I was going to do lots of Christmas cooking, but the thought of food ....well.
Anyway everyone is rallying round early tomorrow to help Peter organise the setting up.
Christmas greetings from Sandra as well, she will be enjoying today with her family.
Good wishes
Lesley & Sandra