wishing you all a heartfelt HAPPY NEW YEAR!! It’s been an absolute age since I have posted, thankfully Lesley has been keeping you in the loop. Honestly I don’t know where 2009 went. I know, know I say this every year but 2009 did literally fly by. In our house we had a wedding, a final VCE year and an extension/renovation. Hopefully this year will be a bit more relaxed. Our extension is almost done only a few more finishing touchesc carpet to be laid in a couple of weeks and then Amelia and I can move into our brand new Sewing Room, aren’t we lucky? Here is a sneak peek of my end of the room.
I don’t usually make a New Years Resolution, however a couple of years ago I did make a tentative one which was “to enjoy what I was working on and not feel guilty about my UFO's (i.e. my swap blocks, my DJ, my friendship blocks, my year 2000 swap squares etc etc etc I'm not even going to count my brown paper bags) I just want to finish something that is just for ME”. Well I did manage to finish hand quilting my blue and white quilt that was quite a few years in the making and I no longer feel guilty of my UFO’s I simply gave a lot of them away and I can see another cull coming on when we move to our new sewing room which is going to help with this years resolution which is to BREATHE. Yes BREATHE!
I was pottering around on New Years Day after our celebrations the night before (Amelia’s 18th Birthday) and I was starting to stress about all the things that I needed to do. I hadn’t checked emails for a week, I hadn’t posted a blog, I hadn’t been up to the shop to check on mail or take the recycle bin down the back, I hadn’t mailed the rent cheque, I hadn’t started on my class samples, I wanted to get my mum to stay with us for a few days, the shop was re-opening in a week eeeeeek, then it hit me BREATHE! So I took a step back and now I’ve managed to tick things off the list. I haven’t started my samples but I did manage a bit of sewing on Ramona’s Mystery Quilt and mum is coming tomorrow and I am continuing to breathe.
Well that’s enough about me, we have an exciting year ahead at Foothills starting with the Fabric Frolic in a few weeks I hope 2010 is a happy and prosperous New Year for all…………………Sandra